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Pets Can Suffer From Anxiety – What You Need To Know About Behavior Problems

Cats and Dogs hide because they suffer from anxiety

The most common form of behavior problem in dogs and cats is anxiety. For the majority of pets, stress is a major root cause for the development of an anxiety behavior problem. It is crucial to understand that anxiety in dogs and cats is a medical condition that can be efficiently handled, most effectively with prescription medications and behavior training.

Who do I get in touch with if I have a question about my medication?

Who do I get in touch with if I have a question about my medication? We recommend you contact your vet. They have a holistic picture of your pet, and we provide all information to them. They are also familiar with the medications your pet is taking, including any we may have recommended. Additionally, you […]

About Us

Our Promise to You and Your Family Members At our core, we believe that no animal should be force-fed medication. The technology exists to put any type of medication into a soft chew treat! There is also a need to highlight and raise awareness of the mental health of our pets. Pet parenthood is evolving […]

Helping Dogs Overcome Nail Clipping Anxiety: Effective Strategies and Professional Advice

dog getting nails clipped with no anxiety

Nail clipping can be a daunting task for both dogs and their owners. While it’s a necessary part of grooming to maintain their overall health, many dogs experience anxiety during this procedure. The sound of the clippers, the feeling of pressure on their nails, or even past negative experiences can trigger intense fear and stress in our furry friends. Addressing dogs’ anxiety during nail clipping is not only crucial for their well-being but also for maintaining a positive relationship between dogs and their owners. In this article, we’ll explore how to helping dogs overcome their nail clipping anxiety. By taking proactive steps, we can turn this potentially stressful experience into a more positive and manageable one.